A word of caution. The contents on this website contain MAJOR spoilers regarding the adventure path, Way of the Wicked, by Fire Mountain Games. Please read NO FURTHER if you intend to play in this adventure. If you intend to run this adventure, please see the "Behind the Curtain" section detailing system mechanics & reviews of the product, Way of the Wicked. And this author's personal suggestion, support Fire Mountain Games by picking up a copy of their incredible adventure path.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Session 13

Quell's ability eventually kicked in & he cracked open the safe, to find a pile of coins and magical manacles of co-operation.  Not the huge treasure rumored to be in the area, but useful none the less.  The knot continued to explore the remainder of the first floor of the Horn of Abaddon.  They found little else of note.  Mostly just more destroyed and abandoned rooms, including a ransacked old tavern on the first floor.  The only thing that intrigued them was an odd Throne in a large temple.  It radiated a conjuration aura, which greatly interested Galen, the Conjurer.  However, they could not figure out how to use it, even Mardus tried to "fake it" but had no luck.  They only useful markings where the words "Yah" in Abyssal.

Having finished exploring the first floor, the Knot went back outside & began ascending the much longer & more precarious stairway up to the second floor.  When they got a little over half way, off to the north a large flock of multi-colored birds took flight, accompanied by the sound of some creature roaring.  The Knot stopped & those of keen eye peered off in the distance, trying to see what was causing it.  They did notice the area of commotion was centered around that clearing where those unicorns were located.  Even more intrigued at the possibility of the "green lizard" being out there, they tried harder but still failed to see anything.  That is, until the large green dragon took flight above the tree canopy, weighed down by the severed unicorn head in it's claws.

Mardus & Yvainne dove for cover, using the various roots & brambles that covered the walk way to shield them from site.  Quell, an expert in both hiding and fleeing, opted to combine his areas of expertise and being closer to the unknown gaping maw of the second eye of the Horn, he stealth-ed up that way.  Brother Summit & Emmerick simply stood unmoved, eyeing the beast as it rose up.  Wither the dragon would have ever noticed them or not is unclear, it's possible Brother Summit & Emmerick's indifference might have been just fine.  But it didn't matter, for Galen took a much more "pro-active" approach.  He cast fly on himself and charged straight at the dragon, along the way calling out a greeting in Draconic.

At first the dragon responded as most dragons would, he breathed a cone of acid all over Galen.  The wizard some how took the blow & continued to try to converse.  In the end, the combination of bravery verging on the insane, fluent honeyed words in draconic, speaking with a slightly wounded dragon that could keep up while encumbered with a large unicorn head and quite frankly a healthy dose of dumb luck saved Galen and allowed him to have a conversation with the dragon that did not end in him being eaten.

The dragon, named Sanderax, lived in a near by spire.  The Knot, attempting to be friendly offered to heal the wounds the dragon sustained in it's fight with the Unicorns.  Also, noting the unicorn horn being quite valuable, offered to make healing items from it for the dragon.  Sanderax said they had one day, then he'd be back for the healing items the group would make.  Then he took flight & left them with the severed unicorn head.  Warning that if they attempted to leave the Horn, he would see & hunt them down.

Faced with a tight deadline, the Knot had a hard choice to make.  In the end, they opted to split the group.  Mardus & Yvainne went back down to the Boggard village in the caverns below.  Yvainne to being grinding up the unicorn horn into powder to craft healing potions with it.  And Mardus to provide the healing spellls to be used.  Galen went down briefly as well, claiming to cast spells to aid Yvainne in her crafting attempts, though, Yvainne & Mardus did note when they got down there, he also changed himself.  As it seemed the dragon got the best of the mighty wizards bladder.

The remaining members, Emmerick, Brother Summit, Quell & the returned Galen continued up to the second floor of the Horn, without any powerful divine casting.  The Knot seemingly unconcerned with the prospect of another Knot having gone missing in the daemonic ruins they now crawl through continued on their way.  The group took no time at all to get across a disabled pit trap in the entry way before Quell quickly noted a secret door.  The group choice to abandon the obvious choice of continuing down the hallway head & used the secret door instead.  Though, they left Emmerick behind to guard the hallway, in case something came from that direction.

They eventually stumbled into small temple, much smaller than the one of the ground floor, yet covered with much finer carvings & inscriptions.  And at back center of the temple, nearly identical to the one on the first floor was a throne.  This time, the throne bore the abyssal script "Rah".

Galen, even more intrigued, had an idea.  He sat on the throne & called out "Rah" and when that failed, he tried "Yah" only to disappear & reappear on the 1st floor throne room.  He then tried "Rah" & got back to the 2nd floor.  Unsure if it was his ability as a wizard or something anyone could do, he had Brother Summit try.  And it worked, Brother Summit appeared back on the first floor throne.  However, when he arrived, a Greater Ceustodaemon was there waiting for him.  The daemon kindly explained he needed to disembowel the monk.  Brother Summit, not waiting to see the Daemon carry through on it's statement immediately teleported back to the throne room on the second floor to alert his companions.

A split second later, the Ceustodaemon teleported in among-st the knot, again stating it's insistence on disembowelment.  The Knot jumped into action, Emmerick came running from the near by hallway & Brother Summit launched a ferociousness assault, one that would have downed, or seriously injured any mortal. And would have easy ended his pit fight with that O'Toole monk in Farholde.  Mardus & Quell were impressed by it.  Yet the blows seemed to have little effect on the Daemon, who clearly had magical protection against such mundane weapons.  A fact further realized when a combination of sneak attacks by Quell produced likewise, little results.  The Ceustodaemon returned attacks in kind, though, his blows savaged Brother Summit quite easily.  Galen, realizing the full might of this Daemon, blinded the creature.  The Daemon quickly teleported away after being blinded.  Galen then quickly informed the Knot the time to flee was at hand.  Quell already eyeing the doorway was the first out.  Not wishing to waste time walking down the long stairs, Galen cast Feather Fall on the group & they all jumped off the side of the Horn & fell the two hundred plus feet to the forest floor in a matter of seconds.  Then they fled into the Boggard village to rest.  The Ceustodaemon apparently not following after them.

The Knot remained hidden in the Boggard village for the night.  They decided the next day they should return to Farholde & get silver weapons to aid them against the Daemon of the Horn. And so the next day as promised delivered the Green Dragon his potion, or at least the one they could make, along with a "tribute" to their neighbor of other miscellaneous healing items.  Sanderax took the items & told them the remaining powder should be used to make healing items & then sold for coin in Farholde, as he was much more interested in coins.  The knot grudgingly agreed, having hoped the dragon would fail to notice the difference in magical value.  They they left to Farholde.

Able to rely on speed over direction, the Knot had a quick and uneventful journey back to Farholde.  While there they checked up with the seventh Knot.  They asked Elise to deliver a message to Thorn explaining the ritual would take 222 days.  A fact Elise found odd as she claimed to not have a direct communication ability with the Cardinal, but offered to do it anyway, using "back channels".  Also while in town, Galen sold off their miscellaneous gear & bought the group a set of silvered weapons.  Brother Summit tried to get a pit fight set up, but it seemed after the floored O'Toole, there weren't any takers.  The "Lord" of Drownington Manor did offer to set up a fight with some wild animals, but said it would take a few days to set up.  Time Brother Summit didn't have.

So the Knot then began their return trip to the Horn, having only spent a couple nights in Farholde.  The trip went quite quick.  Galen's knowledge of geography, coupled with their experience already travelling, and leaving in the pre-dawn hour allowed them to reach the area around the Horn as the last rays of the evening light was fading.  As they approached the Horn, ready for a long rest in the oddly friendly Boggard village, Quell & Brother Summit noticed something odd.  A tree was planted near the entrance to the caverns.  A tree neither recalled being there before.  Also, they spotted winged elves, hiding in tree branches near the cavern entrance.  And Quell noticed something else... some kind of simmering winged creature.

It seems a welcome party was waiting for the Knot to return "home".

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Session 12

The strong will of Brother Summit & Emmerick saved the day.  Or night as it were.  The seductive songs of the harpies who attacked the camp that night was for naught.  The first harpy's song was ignored by the watchmen, who after calling out a shout to their fellow brethren charged the obvious target.  Another Harpie attacked as well, like it's ally, using it's sweet voice to lure it's pray to their doom.  But all it got was a very sleepy and angry set of dark worshipers of Hell & Death.  For Yvainne, Mardus, Quell & Galen quickly jumped into action.  Out matched, the initially brave parrot-winged harpies tried to flee.  One was slain without remorse by the still waking Knot members, but Emmerick's dark presence along with Brother Summit's dour mood & quick grab caused the other "Lady of the Night" to surrender.

She was questioned for what she knew.  She only asked to be allowed to "live" in exchange for her knowledge.  A trade Emmerick seemed willing to make.  She spoke of "horned horses" watching the movements of a "green lizard" around a large earthen spire to the south.  Also of a living tree further south.  Emmerick satisfied, broke the Harpy's wing & freed her.  Only after the creature fled did Emmerick pause to consider what a potentially useful servant the chaotic creature might make.  But he shrugged it off.  After all, rules are rules.

The group was pretty sure what the "horned horses" were.  And their suspicions where confirmed the following morning when they spotted a pair of Unicorns prancing in a clearing off in the distance, watching a  rising spire of tree & rock.  However, the spire did not appear to be the one marked on the map by the Fourth Knot as the Horn of Abaddon, so the group avoided it & it's sentinels of good.  So the Knot was left wondering just what the "green lizard" was, perhaps some unknown dinosaur of legend known to roam the Caer Bryr or something else?

After a otherwise uneventful journey south they found the object of their mission.  A large towering spire of vegetation, otherwise looking very similar to others around it, but the keen eyes of Brother Summit & Quell spotted here & there signs of stairs leading up to black areas, which likely were entrances.

Spending an hour or so reconnoitering around the base of the spire, the Knot decided the lower cavern entrance they found was a good first choice, instead of climbing the visible stair way up.  The failed repelling off the top of Keep at Balentyne Watch Tower still lingering in the minds of Yvainne & Emmerick.  The stalactites & stalagmites giving a picture of a open maw not discouraging them in the slightest, despite Yvainne's unfortunate earlier incident involving toad ingestion.  Clearly that trip from Branderscar Prison all those many months ago was not as trying in the minds of the death priest as the more recent four story fall from the now ruined keep.

Quell led the way, with an invisible Galen following behind, with a very much visible glowing rope.  The thought being, the rope would provide light & also act as a distraction.  The strategy worked, though if that was due to the technique or simply the skilled abilities of Quell it's unclear.  But Quell did spot two figures a little ways in, watching the entrance.  He hid & slowly advanced on them, as they watched the rope begin to dance around as the invisible Galen flicked it about.  One figure dashed off before Quell got there.  The other one, a confused boggard, hardly had time to think as the quick moving Quell attacked.  It's unclear what was going through the frog man's brain as the fast moving Quell jumped out.  But for sure the last thing to go through his brain was the short sword of the Elf.

The other figure having slipped further back into the darkened cavern system, Quell held for the rest of the group to catch up.  They decided to wait & see what response came.  Eventually Quell heard odd croaking sounds & the sound of hushed feet moving about up ahead.  The noises stopped though and never made it back to the Knot, waiting at the entrance.  Clearly there were more frog men & they planned to set up an ambush.

The knot moved up & Galen lead the way.  He was invisible, with the glowing rope.  But he wrapped up the corpse of the one boggard in it & drug it through the next room, where the hushed sounds came from.  He had the rope shake & jiggle the corpse about, waiting for a response.  When he still hadn't gotten a response, he freed the rope from the corpse & had it jiggle about, free, as if it was hunting again.  That got one of the boggards hiding about to come out charging at the rope.

What followed was a combination of ambush, counter-ambush & counter-counter-ambush.  The one boggard who tried to ambush the rope got ambushed himself, as the Knot charged out.  But he had other companions who were holding back who jumped out in turn on the Knot.  A huge bulbous frog-man wielding a massive two-handed sword led his men into the Knot.  The back and forth turned out poorly for the leader of the frog-men.  And though at one point Yvainne did get stuck on a toad tongue & take a savage blow from the toad leader, in the end, the might of Hell would triumph once again.  And all the frogs would fall to Thorn's Ninth Knot.  Quell dealing the death blow to the greatsword wielding Boggard leader.

Yvainne, so impressed with the toad leaders abilities, decided she could still have further use for him.  She desecrated the very room in the name of Zon Kuthon and raised the boggard leader back from the dead as her own personal Zombie slave.

Quell resumed his searching, though, this time he had Galen visible, just further back with the light.  Quell found a lot of odd things through his searching.  He found the outskirts of what appeared to be a Boggard village, a massive pool of bubbling mud, a number of empty cavern rooms, a couple with ponds full of cave fish.  Some cave fish even being an odd poisonous bread.  He found a clear pool of water, which for some reason Galen was quite interested in.  After poking around, the wizard stuck his hand in it & got burned, as apparently the pool was not water but acid.  Quell also found odd crystal formations, an odd ice chamber that appeared to be trapped in some way, and on the back side of the frog-man village what appeared to be a breeding pool full of boggard tadpoles, a couple fungus farms, and what appeared to be a holding cell for prisoners.

But by far, the greatest find was in a cave covered in glowing blue moss.  It was not Quell who found it, but rather Brother Summit who noticed the small crevice in the wall.  Shining lights down there, they saw it extend a way before turning & continuing on.  With no easy way to get back there & with Galen unable to see the end to dimension step, they considered their next step.  Galen conjured earth elementals and commanded them to explore the other side & report what they saw.  They claimed to see bones and other random loose glittering objects.  Tasked next with returning the objects, they came back with bits of bone, broken glass and a massive, beautiful emerald stone.  It took another summoning to finally get the last item of note down the long, narrow crevice, a warn, damaged leather knapsack.  And in it, a holy book to the long dead cult, "The sons of the Pale Horseman"

Examining the bones, they were identified as human remains.  But looking over the book gave the greatest insight, for at the end, written by a priest in the service of Vetra-Kali.  He detailed the fall of the temple & the creation of the Mitrian artifact that now seals his master in.  But further, he detailed a way he thought the seal could be broken.  A ritual taking 222 days, full of prayers to the pale horseman, including sacrificing the blood of a cultist, a Mitrian follower & last, one of the blood of the Victor himself.  The great king who created the seal.

The Knot took some time to pause and digest the information.  Two hundred twenty two days.  Then they descended into squabbling over what to do next.  Some spoke of contacting Thorn immediately.  Quell in particular did not wish to spend over half a year in a ruinous fortress in the middle of a hostile rain forest.  Galen was already considering where or how to get the first sacrifice.  Wondering if a descendant of a Son might live in Farholde.  In the end, they decided to finish their exploring, they still knew little of what was around, or what they might face in the ruins.

The Knot eventually found a sturdy looking hut in a cavern slightly removed from the Boggard village.  It was in that odd Temple to a strange Boggard god that they found an odd and very unexpected ally.  A strange boggard shaman who seemed just fine with them having the zombified remains of his former chieftain in tow.  He explained he had seen visions of the ones who would restore the great spire to it's former glory.  A glory he insisted was to that of his odd Boggard god.

He brought the Knot before the Boggard tribe & explained they have taken over and would begin to lead the tribe going over.  There was a long stunned silence from the Boggards around.  But he further explained that Quell had killed their former chieftain and that he was now entitled to the spoils.  Quell was presented with his new tent, and his 2 Boggard concubines.  Quell showed little interest in the frog-women, but he did search through the tent & seize everything of value, including a Helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic.

Having explored the lower caverns and finding an unexpectedly nice base of operations, the Knot decided to explore the obvious stairs leading up on the outside of the tower.  The main stairs turned out to be relatively easy to traverse.  Though at the top, Quell did spot another set of stairs going up to another entrance that looked much more risky to climb.  From their vantage point above the tree line, they could see out on the Caer Bryr, a peaceful view over a decidedly not peaceful forest.

The knot next began to explore the first level of the ruined fortress.  They found many empty rooms, in varying states of ruin.  They first found a ruined alchemical lab that contained in it a severely damaged gollum of some kind and a manual on how to repair & use it.  The rare tome Galen was quick to grab, to study later.  They also found the remains of a trophy wall.  All the trophies appeared to be missing, but Quell did find two things of note.  One was a ring under a plaque naming someone from Ghastenhall.  Galen was quick to grab it and even though it didn't seem valuable, he wished to hold onto it.  Further, Galen found a plaque which read "Edger Nigma" or "E. Nigma" an odd sight, wondering if it was something special.  Quell examined it and confirmed it was fake & behind it was some kind of hidden safe.  Though he could not seem to crack it open.  What treasure lay beyond would have to wait... (until at least the next session!)

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Session 11

Having found the map to the Horn, the group goes with Tiadora to their meeting with Baron Arkov Vandermir.  Travelling into the wealthy & secluded part of town, they are allowed entrance to the Vandermir estate, a grandiose manor, full of servants, as well as discrete guards.  They meet the Baron and are treated to a feast of decadence & opulence.  Everything is grand, even the almost unnaturally large sea-food being served on massive platters.  The evening progresses along with banal pleasantries, until the dinner is finished, at which point, servants are dismissed and a frank discussion begins between potential allies under the Lord of Nessus’ banner.

The Baron shows an initial degree of reluctance.  Tiadora offers no help, but but after a few words from Galen, Yvainne & Mardus, he decides to back the Ninth Knot’s plot.  He’s quick to insist they avoid causing too much carnage in town.  But he provides them lodging in his personal manor, as well as access to a secret passage out of his manor to another nearby neighborhood of town.  And offers to work back channels to find obscure or dangerous items the party requires.  As well as giving a lay of the land & telling the Knot of the political situation in town, as well as whom the true power players are around Farholde.

Securing the backing of the powerful Baron, the Knot proceeds with gathering information around town & having Galen start crafting them some more magical gear.  During this time, Emmerick & Yvainne gather general rumors.  Quell hears about a former soldier named Hallack Amon & takes a personal interest.  Proceeding to snoop about Amon, finding out he is friends with a Dwarf smith in town, who seems a bit greedy, as well as a lute playing woman of some skill.

In addition, the 7th knot arrives in town.  Mardus & Brother Summit set up an elaborate ruse, where he takes the form of a fisherman, selling his wears by the docks & Brother Summit looks like a dock hand, standing around.  When their allies arrive, Mardus grabs Elisa’s attention & using double speak & a healthy (or based on Brother Summit’s cringing, perhaps an unhealthy) use of puns, mostly revolving around fishing “nets” made of “knots” and the like, he lets Elisa know who he is.  Mardus & Brother Summit lead the other Knot, who this entire time are in no disguises & seem mildly amused by the 9th’s attempt at subterfuge, down a side ally.  In the remote darkened ally they speak with Elisa & her crew.  Elisa wonders out load the need for such an “unusual” meeting spot, when a tavern would have done much better.  But she lays out her plan to keep any wood-be adventurers at bay.  Mardus asks her to spy on the Baron, as they still question his loyalties and she consents.  Also, Aliciette asked Brother Summit, if the group intends to go to the forest in the next few days, she would like to come along, as she needs to find her “pet” Girallon who they had to drop off on the river bank before arriving in town.

While waiting on Galen to finish his crafting, Brother Summit & Mardus make a stop in the slums of Farholde, to Lord Drownington’s Manor.  Part Bar, part brothel, part gambling & boxing den, it is a true hive of scum and villainy.  Brother Summit talks to the leader of the dubious establishment & arranges to fight in the boxing ring that night.  When evening falls, Mardus & Brother Summit return to the den of villainy with Mardus eager to wager on his companion, who he instructs to fight sub-par to play down his ability & get a more favorable match in the future.  Brother Summit’s fight with an “Iron Sanks” ends quickly, with the Monk of hell easily beating his challenger.  The match ends so quick in fact, it’s a bit of a crowd let down.  And it leaves no doubt of Brother Summit’s abilities.

With Brother Summit waiting for another fight in the ring & Galen still crafting away, the other Knot members decide to help Aliciette find her “pet”.  They begin leaving town but before they even arrive in the Caer Bryr, they witness its savagery.  For in route, they encounter a farmer fleeing for his life from a back of savage boars, led by a massive member.  Aliciette proves nearly as useful as the absent Galen & the party quickly dispatches the threat, though not before the farmer loses his life.  Continuing into the forest, within a brief time, Aliciette is able to locate her Girallon companion & thanks the 9th knot for their help before leaving them.

The knot returns to town & continues with their work.  Galen crafting, Quell watching Hallack Amon, and others doing general information gathering about town.  Brother Summit gets another fight in the fighting pits, this time with some travelling mercenary named James O’Toole.  Quell decides to get in on the action and along with Mardus bet a far amount on their fellow Knot member.  And Galen, having just finished crafting, joins in for the action.  Emmerick is also there, but the anti-paladin of Hell decides to bet a 5 piece against his ally.  The fight goes much different from Brother Summit's first match.  O'Toole appears to be a capable fighter and it looks like Emmerick might have made the right bet.  But Brother Summit prevails, knocking out O'Toole & collecting a hefty winning.

The knot, now finally equipped with arms and armor enchanted by Galen, are ready to brave the deeper forest.  The group relies on the map & blazes a trail straight into the Caer Bryr.  It's a little slow going at first, as they try to maintain their barrings.  But Galen's knowledge of geography is strong and they stay true to their course, making slow but steady progress.

Mid-afternoon Quel notices an odd fragrance on the wind, something akin to rotting plants.  The group heads toward the peculiar order to investigate and stumble into a lurking Shambling Mound.  The fight with the rotting plant creature is handled quite well with a minimum of damage sustained, considering the creature got the drop on them.

Continuing on near dusk, an odd bird-like call could be heard in the distance.  Given how their previous investigation of the day ended, and the desire to find a defensible camp before night fall, they ignore the odd calls.  That night, around midnight, the two on watch, Brother Summit & Emmerick, are awoken to the oddest singing sound & feel magic reach out to control them.  Not knowing what is going on, they draw steal & ready to wake the camp for battle.