So ends Balentyne...
The Knot quickly recovers from their ordeal with the fallen commander Havelyn & proceed to search the area. They dis-alarm & break into the chest in the Commander's office & seize the keep's treasure in the name of their dark lord. Quell & Galen check the commander's room where Quell, unbeknownst to Galen spots the family bible of the commander & pockets it without the dark wizard noticing.
Emmerick meanwhile is busy donning the blackened hell armor, formerly of Mitrian nature, that adorned the late commander. He had Yvainne's help of course. Straps & such must be good and tight. And who better than the sadistic death priest to help.
Brother Summit & Mardus distributed what limited healing they found in the Keep's treasure, as well as the remaining resources they had, to get everyone in semi-working order. Though, there efforts were interrupted some what when, a signal horn was heard from below.
Having seen the catapult that rests on the roof of the keep from Quell's long range recon mission, our dark band rushes to storm the roof top. The three guards were taken unaware as they seemed to be communicating in confusion with a patrol below. And they stand no chance against the servants of Hell. The only major damage taken was a lucky crossbow bolt to Yvainne, which she's able to shrug off. Unfortunately, they find the roof top catapult was already in a state of dis-repair & unable to be used. The knot take the forms of watch men in the hope it will aid in battlefield confusion. They then fire the signal horn and are relieved to hear, a moment later, one long loud horn call come out from the valley to the north. Then with all haste, they light the catapult on fire and repel (with limited success) off the roof top, as guards attempt to break through the trap door they had hurriedly sealed behind them.
A pitched battle along the ramparts of the keep ensued after that. The Knot quickly disabled the wench that controlled the great seal over the servants entrance. And then rushed for the gatehouse. Along the way they were peppered with arrows, with Brother Summit deflecting a great many. A band of guards with an acolyte attempted to stop Brother Summit when he got isolated, but the deft Monk was able to leap over ramparts to relative safety And the war band was only rewarded for their vain efforts by a well placed fireball from the former magistrates own wand by a quick thinking Galen. Throughout the fight most of the Knot looked as guards, but Emmerick, bored and wishing to flaunt his new armor decided dropped all pretenses and lead the charge on the gatehouse in his full regalia, marking him a servant of Hell. Wither Cardinal Thorn would have been proud or enraged that his secret band of Asmodeus send to destroy the devout of Mitra would so openly display the mark of their faith was unknown to Emmerick, but he little cared. He would have the glory denied him.
With improved teamwork & arcane support, the Knot quickly took the gatehouse. With a heavily fortified archery position they held off multiple counter attacks. Using fireballs and arrow volleys to devastating effect. In a short while the walls are overrun with bugbears. The knot take the form of their allies to prevent any "not so friendly" fire. Except for Emmerick, who still flaunts his dark lord's symbol. The first wave of bugbear to take the gatehouse look confused to find their kin there. Until one spots Emmerick & gives a knowing nod. In broken common the creature says "stay, safe here" The group realizes it is one of Blackmane's men. Shortly after the Lieutenant himself arrives and informs the group he & his men are to stay guarding them from the other rampaging bugbears. He seems unhappy about his baby-sitting assignment but is smart enough not to explicitly state it.
While the knot waits & beholds the destruction they helped to wrought, their old friend Grumblejack arrives & greats them. Clad in leather armor & a giant club he's quick to embrace his friends. Even if the hugs hurt some of them a bit. While they wait, Quell is quick to break the seal, signalling their work is done. It's not long before Tiadora arrives with a reward from the Cardinal, and further instructions. While the completely unprepared and un-alerted town of Aldencross is still being ruthlessly sacked the Knot is quick to leave by barge, destined for Farholde, with a brief stop off before to unload their large Ogre friend who lives north of town in the wilds of the Savage North.
The trip is mostly uneventful. It's slow going, with unexplained stops by towns along the way. When some of the knot question Tiadora about the delay of odd stops by towns, she simply explains to them she is giving them a taste of hell. The knot leaves questioning at that.
Right before arriving in Farholde, they get a briefing from their patron. Cardinal Thorn meets them on board the barge, clearly arriving via magical transport. The Cardinal is quick to the point. Their mission is to find the Horn of Abaddon, an ancient ruin south of Farholde that was a fortress temple to a dark daemon of pestilence. Explore it, break the seal left by a former king of Mitra. Then summon the dark being & gain it's magical disease, something called the Tears of Achlys. Then leave. Thorn knows little else other then that a previous knot already tried & failed. Lead by the elf, Aiden Kael, they found & reported the rough location of the site, but then nothing else. Thorn wants this done & he's employing extra help. The seventh knot will be available to assist them. Also, a prominent noble in town, Baron Arkov Vandermir, a follower of Asomdeus may be of help. Tiadora will introduce them after they arrive.
Their patron provides them another clay seal to break, in case the need arrises. Then he departs. After that they unload Grumblejack, and the next morning the barge arrives in Farholde. Tiadora informs them that a meeting has been arranged in two days time with Baron Vandermir. Until then, they can use the time as they see fit.
The knot is quick to gather information around town. They find some interesting rumors and they also manage to find the location Aiden Kael was staying. They get rooms at the Wandering Frier Inn and ask the Inn Keeper about Aiden, saying they were friends, meant to meet him at the Inn. The Innkeper informs them that Aiden has been gone for weeks & his room is overdue. Galen quickly offers to pay the bill in full, if he could simply be allowed to look around & find out what happened to his friend. The Innkeepers gives him a key.
Upon entering the room Galen finds a map sitting on the table, a map clearly labeling the location of the Horn of Abaddon, their target. It seems the trip will be easier than expected...
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