Having finished exploring the first floor, the Knot went back outside & began ascending the much longer & more precarious stairway up to the second floor. When they got a little over half way, off to the north a large flock of multi-colored birds took flight, accompanied by the sound of some creature roaring. The Knot stopped & those of keen eye peered off in the distance, trying to see what was causing it. They did notice the area of commotion was centered around that clearing where those unicorns were located. Even more intrigued at the possibility of the "green lizard" being out there, they tried harder but still failed to see anything. That is, until the large green dragon took flight above the tree canopy, weighed down by the severed unicorn head in it's claws.
Mardus & Yvainne dove for cover, using the various roots & brambles that covered the walk way to shield them from site. Quell, an expert in both hiding and fleeing, opted to combine his areas of expertise and being closer to the unknown gaping maw of the second eye of the Horn, he stealth-ed up that way. Brother Summit & Emmerick simply stood unmoved, eyeing the beast as it rose up. Wither the dragon would have ever noticed them or not is unclear, it's possible Brother Summit & Emmerick's indifference might have been just fine. But it didn't matter, for Galen took a much more "pro-active" approach. He cast fly on himself and charged straight at the dragon, along the way calling out a greeting in Draconic.
At first the dragon responded as most dragons would, he breathed a cone of acid all over Galen. The wizard some how took the blow & continued to try to converse. In the end, the combination of bravery verging on the insane, fluent honeyed words in draconic, speaking with a slightly wounded dragon that could keep up while encumbered with a large unicorn head and quite frankly a healthy dose of dumb luck saved Galen and allowed him to have a conversation with the dragon that did not end in him being eaten.
The dragon, named Sanderax, lived in a near by spire. The Knot, attempting to be friendly offered to heal the wounds the dragon sustained in it's fight with the Unicorns. Also, noting the unicorn horn being quite valuable, offered to make healing items from it for the dragon. Sanderax said they had one day, then he'd be back for the healing items the group would make. Then he took flight & left them with the severed unicorn head. Warning that if they attempted to leave the Horn, he would see & hunt them down.
Faced with a tight deadline, the Knot had a hard choice to make. In the end, they opted to split the group. Mardus & Yvainne went back down to the Boggard village in the caverns below. Yvainne to being grinding up the unicorn horn into powder to craft healing potions with it. And Mardus to provide the healing spellls to be used. Galen went down briefly as well, claiming to cast spells to aid Yvainne in her crafting attempts, though, Yvainne & Mardus did note when they got down there, he also changed himself. As it seemed the dragon got the best of the mighty wizards bladder.
The remaining members, Emmerick, Brother Summit, Quell & the returned Galen continued up to the second floor of the Horn, without any powerful divine casting. The Knot seemingly unconcerned with the prospect of another Knot having gone missing in the daemonic ruins they now crawl through continued on their way. The group took no time at all to get across a disabled pit trap in the entry way before Quell quickly noted a secret door. The group choice to abandon the obvious choice of continuing down the hallway head & used the secret door instead. Though, they left Emmerick behind to guard the hallway, in case something came from that direction.
They eventually stumbled into small temple, much smaller than the one of the ground floor, yet covered with much finer carvings & inscriptions. And at back center of the temple, nearly identical to the one on the first floor was a throne. This time, the throne bore the abyssal script "Rah".
Galen, even more intrigued, had an idea. He sat on the throne & called out "Rah" and when that failed, he tried "Yah" only to disappear & reappear on the 1st floor throne room. He then tried "Rah" & got back to the 2nd floor. Unsure if it was his ability as a wizard or something anyone could do, he had Brother Summit try. And it worked, Brother Summit appeared back on the first floor throne. However, when he arrived, a Greater Ceustodaemon was there waiting for him. The daemon kindly explained he needed to disembowel the monk. Brother Summit, not waiting to see the Daemon carry through on it's statement immediately teleported back to the throne room on the second floor to alert his companions.
A split second later, the Ceustodaemon teleported in among-st the knot, again stating it's insistence on disembowelment. The Knot jumped into action, Emmerick came running from the near by hallway & Brother Summit launched a ferociousness assault, one that would have downed, or seriously injured any mortal. And would have easy ended his pit fight with that O'Toole monk in Farholde. Mardus & Quell were impressed by it. Yet the blows seemed to have little effect on the Daemon, who clearly had magical protection against such mundane weapons. A fact further realized when a combination of sneak attacks by Quell produced likewise, little results. The Ceustodaemon returned attacks in kind, though, his blows savaged Brother Summit quite easily. Galen, realizing the full might of this Daemon, blinded the creature. The Daemon quickly teleported away after being blinded. Galen then quickly informed the Knot the time to flee was at hand. Quell already eyeing the doorway was the first out. Not wishing to waste time walking down the long stairs, Galen cast Feather Fall on the group & they all jumped off the side of the Horn & fell the two hundred plus feet to the forest floor in a matter of seconds. Then they fled into the Boggard village to rest. The Ceustodaemon apparently not following after them.
The Knot remained hidden in the Boggard village for the night. They decided the next day they should return to Farholde & get silver weapons to aid them against the Daemon of the Horn. And so the next day as promised delivered the Green Dragon his potion, or at least the one they could make, along with a "tribute" to their neighbor of other miscellaneous healing items. Sanderax took the items & told them the remaining powder should be used to make healing items & then sold for coin in Farholde, as he was much more interested in coins. The knot grudgingly agreed, having hoped the dragon would fail to notice the difference in magical value. They they left to Farholde.
Able to rely on speed over direction, the Knot had a quick and uneventful journey back to Farholde. While there they checked up with the seventh Knot. They asked Elise to deliver a message to Thorn explaining the ritual would take 222 days. A fact Elise found odd as she claimed to not have a direct communication ability with the Cardinal, but offered to do it anyway, using "back channels". Also while in town, Galen sold off their miscellaneous gear & bought the group a set of silvered weapons. Brother Summit tried to get a pit fight set up, but it seemed after the floored O'Toole, there weren't any takers. The "Lord" of Drownington Manor did offer to set up a fight with some wild animals, but said it would take a few days to set up. Time Brother Summit didn't have.
So the Knot then began their return trip to the Horn, having only spent a couple nights in Farholde. The trip went quite quick. Galen's knowledge of geography, coupled with their experience already travelling, and leaving in the pre-dawn hour allowed them to reach the area around the Horn as the last rays of the evening light was fading. As they approached the Horn, ready for a long rest in the oddly friendly Boggard village, Quell & Brother Summit noticed something odd. A tree was planted near the entrance to the caverns. A tree neither recalled being there before. Also, they spotted winged elves, hiding in tree branches near the cavern entrance. And Quell noticed something else... some kind of simmering winged creature.
It seems a welcome party was waiting for the Knot to return "home".
As I recall the fight with the daemon, after it was blinded it teleported away. THEN we ran away with all due haste.
ReplyDeleteGood catch, updated.