A word of caution. The contents on this website contain MAJOR spoilers regarding the adventure path, Way of the Wicked, by Fire Mountain Games. Please read NO FURTHER if you intend to play in this adventure. If you intend to run this adventure, please see the "Behind the Curtain" section detailing system mechanics & reviews of the product, Way of the Wicked. And this author's personal suggestion, support Fire Mountain Games by picking up a copy of their incredible adventure path.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Session 35

The Knot, magical invisibility in place, began their search & destroy mission.

Lacking a magical window in a vale, Wasyli simply disintegrated a hole into the roof of the wooden side building.  The Knot explored, expecting combat.  All they found was an empty building devoted to art work depicting the Rakshasa's life.  And a large number of abandoned empty barrack bunks.

It seems their earlier assault thinned the ranks of the island's inhabitants more than expected.

The Knot returned to the roof, their invisibility magic starting to fade.  They spotted patrol of crystal gargoyles coming.  Mardus dropped an illusion and the knot waited until the patrol passed by.  After they were gone, the Knot rushed on and found a secluded garden and a secluded pond.

Their magic about to run out, the Knot ambushed one of the patrols near the middle of the island, high in the air.  One of the gargoyles rushed away to alert others, only to be disintegrated into a pile of dust.  The other one staggered under the blows of the Knot.  Mardus readied a telekinesis spell and as the crystal gargoyle fell, Mardus acted to catch the large form and gently float it to the ground.  The patrol was destroyed, and nary a sound was made.

The Knot picked another spot, this time forced to stay low to the ground, using Wasyli to bend shadows to hid them.  As the second crystal gargoyle patrol flew nearby and the Knot struck.  This time, the range proved problematic.

One gargoyle fled away.  It reached the large domed building and reached for the door, only to be hit with a destruction spell.  Then the other gargoyle fled as well.  It too reached for the door, only to get killed with a burst of magical energy and slumped over.

The Knot quickly grabbed the gargoyle corpses and dumped them into a river stream.

With the obvious threats eliminated the Knot considered their options.

They decide to bait a response and hide to see the response they get.  The bait came in the form of a handful of fire seeds bursting, turning the garden trees into a roaring inferno.  The Knot had to wait a few minutes before they heard the roaring "Invaders!" call to ring out and an angry dragon followed by two concubines emerged from the domed building.

Seeing an opportunity to sneak in, Yvainne stone shaped a hole into the building, only to get stuck, unable to enter.  Sighs rang out from the Knot.  Their vampire friend hadn't been invited in and the dome structure was a private dwelling, it's inhabitant very much alive, if the roaring was any indication.  Beyond they saw a massive set of chess pieces, the size befitting a huge dragon and the open doors.  The dolphin concubine looking away, trying to summon her water elemental.

Forced to improvise, the Knot resorted to a direct assault.  Yvainne started to circle around the outside of the massive building, as the rest of the Knot rushed past massive stone chess pieces.  They managed to blast the concubine and disrupt her summoning and causing her to call out in pain.  Alerting her dragon mate and his Rakshasa lover.

The Knot clashed against the dragon and his women.  A joke about the Knot being assassins of Kings, and how assassins somehow fit "ass" in their names twice made some of the Knot burst into laughter, but they managed to all recover eventually.

With only 2 concubines, and no crystal gargoyles or oreads, along with a massive complement of powerful magical buffs, the fight starts off better.  The Knot is able to land devastating blows on the Dragon.  But the beast kept falling back and getting healing from his concubines.  So the Knot shifted strategy.

Emmerick and Brother Summit try to dodge around, avoiding a full pummeling from the beast as they took hits on his women.  The mermaid angel is the first to fall.  Emmerick and Brother Summit are quick to ensure she doesn't get back up.

Shortly after that the Rakshasa goes unconscious under multiple blows.  Though Summit does get beat up pretty bad by the Dragon, forced to rely on healing from Trik.

Seeing his two concubines go down, the dragon resorts to his last line of defense.  He brings up an anti-magic field.  Emmerick & Brother Summit feel their magical buffs fail.  Even Emmerick's smiting turns off.

The Knot gets quite for a second as the dragon roars.  Stripped of magical buffs and gear, the prospect of fighting the massive dragon turns into a scary proposition indeed...

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